Board Member - North Carolina Madonna Campbell-Greer is a certified Peer Support Specialist, CIT Coordinator, and CIT Train the Trainer with extensive knowledge and experience in mental health concerns, advocacy, and support. She is currently serving as the NAMI Guilford Board President, as well as on her local CIT Steering Committee and on the state CIT Advisory Committee. Ms. Campbell-Greer spent her career in community mental health working in non-profits. She has worked in the area of trauma-informed-care (TIC) and currently leads officer wellness and psychoeducational classes in her community, including Peer Support Tactics, CIT, Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP), and Seeking Safety. She is actively engaged with NAMI Guilford teaching their Peer-to-Peer curriculum and presenting In Our Own Voice (IOOV) to create mental health awareness and reduce the stigma of a diagnosis. Having lived experience, Ms. Campbell-Greer has become a recovery champion for individuals with a mental health concern by leading NAMI Connections Support Groups, Family Support Groups, and helps families and individuals with the navigation of the mental health system. Her personal mission is to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness. She resolutely believes that recovery is possible and strives to educate others in that knowledge. |